
5 December 2017

FCP 2 X COW Nottingham

For two days last week, we were given a live brief with COW Nottingham - a vintage store who have strong visual presence both through their merchandising displays and their social media. We were given the task to come up with an idea for their February 18' window display, using a given subject and object.

Our group was given 'going out dancing' with the object of a light bulb. We were really lucky that we got first dibs, because we all had loads of ideas about where we could take the subject.

We first sat down and brainstormed all of our ideas. We came up with some lateral ideas such as having light bulbs or fairy lights hanging from the ceiling like the rain falling and having two mannequins dancing in the rain, however we wanted to try and go further than the obvious.

With Valentines Day being the event that you would probably most associate with February, we wanted to focus on that, and I put forward the idea of 'Gal-entines Day'. We'd already discussed how we probably wouldn't go out dancing with a partner on Valentines Day, therefore it seemed like a great idea to turn it on its head and allow those who didn't have a significant other to celebrate, by going out dancing with their gals. We then started thinking about the light bulb and how we could incorporate that. We thought about the lights that you get in clubs, and then glow sticks, which lead us on to the concept of disco. Our 'Gal-entines Eighties Disco' was born.

With only a day and half to get it done and present it, we had to work really quickly. It was a bit of a learning curve because there was no time to worry or contemplate things, which I'm very good at! We just used cardboard, paint and paper to make the mock up and even though it sounds like a kids art project, it looked so cool!
The girls from COW gave us really positive feedback, thank god! But there were some really strong concepts from other groups too so the competition is on!

Before we started the project I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy it, but being given the chance to let our ideas flow and to get messy was a lot of fun and I'm glad I forced myself to go!


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