
17 October 2017

It's Okay

I think that mental health is one of those topics, which people are slowly becoming more and more aware of - World Mental Health day is a thing and thank god for it. It enables people around the world to stand up and admit that they too have their demons. And in an age where we practically survive on social media by depicting ourselves in the best way possible, it's encouraging to know that you're not the only one who has to deal with mental health problems. But what about every other day of the year when it does feel like you're the only one? Unfortunately there is still a stigma around it. 

I am definitely someone who can put my hand up and say that I have my issues with mental health. Every now and then my anxieties do get the better of me and it does set me back.

Like the past few days, for instance. I'm in a situation where I feel like I've come to terms with the fact that uni isn't particularly "for me". Last year I was so excited about my course, but now I'm just not engaged at all. I know that if I quit I'll regret it; I don't want to change course because I'm not 100% sure about what I want to actually do, but I also don't want to take a break for a year because I won't be able to save up enough money in a year to go travelling or do anything worthy of a break. It's conflicting, and it's messing with my head.

Therefore, every now and then I need to take a step back and have what I call a mental health day. After I've had my breakdown, I'll take the day off. I don't sit in bed all day wallowing about how shit life is, I just clean my room, or go to the gym, or watch a film or two, and I try to talk to someone. It gives me the chance to recharge my batteries and get it out of my system.

And don't worry about letting people down. It can be hard when you think that your peers, whether that be your boss, lecturers or friends, won't understand, but honestly people are way more understanding than you realise. You just have to be honest. Today, I thought that I was letting my group at uni down, but they've been amazing.

If we don't give ourselves the time to recuperate it's just a downwards spiral. A snowball effect and before you know it too much damage is done.

Just remember it's okay.


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