Without being too cliche, 2017 has definitely been full of highs and lows. I don't want to remember 2017 for the struggles though, because I've had some amazing opportunities and experiences throughout the year.
Today I'm going to look back over the year and look at all the amazing memories I've made.
In January I went to New York for the first time. If that's not the best way to kick off the new year I don't know what is. It was an amazing opportunity, and despite ringing my parents up halfway through because I didn't take enough money (when was $300 ever going to be enough), I'm so glad I went. I would love to go back, but if I don't get the chance I'm grateful for being able to go this once.
Easter of this year was a period of time where I was at my happiest. The weather was gorgeous and we spent so much time outdoors, making the most of the beautiful place that I call home. I also applied for, and was given, my summer job, which has been a massive part of my 2017, but we'll touch on that later.
Also this spring, me and Dad went on the British Airways i360 in Brighton. Not only did we get to see some amazing views from an incredible height, but it gave us quality time to spend together and I'm grateful for that.
I took this amazing human to his favourite place in the world. Seeing the constant smile on Harry's face made the heat stroke, from walking around the Colosseum in the sun for too long, worth it.
As I said above, my job at Middle Farm has been a massive part of 2017. Not only did it develop my social skills, but I've met a lovely group of people, and I've been able to go back this Christmas. During the summer I got to stand outside in the sun and sell ice cream from an bicycle; for the first time I actually loved my job.
I ate a lot of good food, especially good Mexican food!
My little brother had his Year 11 prom and made me feel very old. And by the looks of this picture very short.
I was lucky enough to have three holidays this year, and going back to Corfu was one of my best memories of 2017. It's my favourite place in the whole world (although I still have a LOT of exploring to do) and being able to take Harry meant so much.
The FCP London trip was another highlight. I'd started second year a bit half hearted and was genuinely considering quitting. If I hadn't of gone to London though, I wouldn't have met the girls that are now such a huge part of my life. Within the two/three months of being back at uni I've developed an amazing friendship group and I owe quite a lot to them.
I decided to focus more on my blog after falling out of love with my course, and my '7 Things You Need To Watch On Netflix This Autumn' post has been the most read post since I started my blog all those years ago! Although Blogmas failed a bit, I'm really pleased with what I've achieved with my blog in these last few months and I'm excited for 2018.
The FCP 2 x COW project enabled me to end the year on a high. Originally I was going to bunk of because I "knew" I would hate every minute of it, but in reality I loved every second! And winning was the cherry on top.
Writing this post has made me realise how much the little negative things can shade all of the big positive things, because I've actually had a really good year and I'm so grateful for everything I've been able to do. Next year I want to say yes more, and I want to learn how to control my mental health better. Unlike last year I've got absolutely nothing planned for the year to come, so I'm excited to see how it pans out!