
15 May 2018

Let's Look After Each Other

Let's have a chat.

Last Tuesday night I experienced something that at the time really panicked me, but reflecting it on it has got me thinking.

So I came back from a club and went to sleep as I usually would. End of story; or so I thought. I woke up not much later to two guys, one being a friend, the other a taxi driver, trying to carry a girl who was only semi conscious. They were handled both her physically and the situation like shit.

After helping them carry her slightly further along the corridor they just left me with her. The taxi driver was incredibly rude about the whole situation and both of them thought it was okay, or just gave no thought into the matter at all, to just leave her lying on her back, on the floor.

THANK GOD I was there. Whilst they were gone she started retching and if I wasn't there to roll her onto her side she probably would've choked to death on her sick.

But yeah, it got me thinking..

Did she go out with others as well as this one guy? If so, where the fuck were they? And why is there such a lack of knowledge about what to do if your friend does get themselves into that sort of danger? It made me realise that no one talks about these sorts of situations until you're retelling a story about the night before. There's no real discussion.

We're uni students, we do drink and we drink a lot, let's be honest. But just because the stereotype that we drink a lot is there, it doesn't apply to everyone and some people can't handle it.

I think what I'm trying to say is that we need to look after our friends. It might be their own fault but it could be their actual life at risk, so we need to know how to handle the situation.

All I ask is this:

  • If you're starting to notice signs that they've drunk way too much, get them some water, and make sure that's all they drink for the rest of the night.
  • ALWAYS make sure that they're on their side or sitting up, and not on their back.
  • Stay with them. Even if they say they're okay it's always good to have someone there just incase.
  • If you're struggling to carry them don't feel ashamed to ask for help.
  • Take a pre-paid taxi, like Uber, because they're less likely to refuse to take you. 
Now go and have a bloody good night!! 

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