
1 May 2018

20 Things I've Learnt Before Turning 20

I am turning 20 on Thursday, can you believe it? On Thursday I will have been alive for TWO WHOLE DECADES. I'm not ready to become an adult, but I thought it seemed fitting to talk about the 20 things I've learnt as I've been growing up.

1. Stop worrying about 'what if'.

2. Take every opportunity.

3. Cherish your family while you have them. 

4. The world definitely does not revolve around guys. 

5. Hiding in your room is not going to solve your anxiety and depression.

6. You are more capable than you believe. 

7. You will always be jealous of what your body looked like a couple of years ago, so just love it!

8. You will never need all of that birthday money when you're a kid but you definitely need it when you're over 18 and you stop getting it! 

9. Always be the bigger person. 

10. Play Toto Africa after everything you achieve on the to-do list - productivity levels increase massively.

11. You're not the only one who isn't having the best time at uni. 

12. Remember why you wanted what you have.

13. Only trust yourself.

14. Do things for yourself, not because you think others want you to. 

15. Don't look back at all the bigger, bad things; remember all of the little good things.

16. School/uni work will seem like you're constantly knocking your head against the wall but before you know it it will have been and gone. 

17. "Phone, keys, money" whenever you go anywhere.  

18. Spend money on experiences and memories rather than tangible products. 

19. Spending money on a good hair cut does a world of good for your self esteem.

20. Everything happens for a reason. 

I don't think I've made all the best life choices over the last few years, and I overthink everything, but I'm content. There will always be something to stress over and I will always be working on making myself happier, but I consider myself lucky about where I am right now!

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