
16 June 2017

First Thoughts On Girlboss

I'm late on the bandwagon again. I know. But I've been meaning to watch Netflix's Girlboss ever since it was released, but obviously I had to finish Gilmore Girls first 😉

I've only watched the first episode so far, but I thought I'd write down a few first thoughts... 

The episode starts with Sophia (played by Britt Robertson) running out of gas and having to push her car up one of San Fransisco's infamous hills. I instantly thought "that would definitely be me". I don't think I'd even reach halfway with my little Corsa's 15 year old engine! 

Throughout the episode you see Sophia meeting her friend, getting fired from her job, arguing with her dad, and then getting evicted from her flat. I liked Sophia's character at first. I liked her personality and her dress sense but then she started to annoy me. I have no idea why. I don't know whether it's Britt Robertson's acting style because, honestly, I've never really got in to any of the films she's starred in, or just because Sophia didn't really appreciate anything and kind of brought everything that happened upon herself.

The episodes are only half an hour long, which I guess makes you more likely to concentrate on it before you start losing focus, but it also means that you'll get through the series v. quickly. I don't like knowing that a series is going to finish quickly. The fear of the unknown, that there isn't going to be anything as good to watch once it's finished.

You could pretty much summarise those 30 minutes by saying that sometimes it doesn't matter if you're not 100% tuned in to adulthood or that you're not quite sure what you want to do with your life, but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if that light does come from your computer screen!


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