
9 January 2018

Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

With most of us being back at uni/school/work, we're now well and truly into the new year and I know I won't be the only one who is trying really hard to get back in to a good routine.

I ended last term in a bit of a slump. I was seeing a doctor and the NTU wellbeing team, but I knew that nothing would really do the job better than just a few weeks back at home in my comfort zone. But now I am back to uni and it's back to business. Minus depression and anxiety (touch wood).

I mentioned in my last post that I didn't really have any resolutions of such, but I do have some small goals which I'm trying to achieve to get myself back into a routine, as I said at the beginning, and to improve my self esteem. In today's post I'm going to talk to you a little bit about each of these goals, which I think we could all do with. 


It was inevitable that this was going to come up so I might as well list it first and get it out the way! As well as being a student who sees zero of my student loan, I'm trying to save up for me and Harry to go away for a big celebratory holiday next year, so budgeting is going to be a big task this year. I should probably give myself a reality check though, because I currently have £10 in my bank account and I'm going to Berlin next week, so I think this may have to be something I'll have to start next month!

A Simple Skincare Routine

I was back on the old social media the other night when I saw Glossier's skincare resolutions Instagram story, so I made my own! I've come up with a simple skincare routine, which I've written on a sticky note and stuck on my bathroom door so I remember to do it every night. I also saw a thing on Buzzfeed's Snapchat a few weeks ago, which said that whenever you go and take a sip of water, take 15 sips. I have tried it and it does work! It takes 10 seconds to do and you'll see how much more you've drunk instantly.

Work At My Desk - Not On My Bed

With my desk right next to my bed, it's easy to get a bit lazy and lie on my bed with my laptop. But doing my work on my bed not only makes my back hurt, but I get less done. Even though they're less than a metre away from each other, the environment is completely different and I feel way more focused when I'm sitting at my desk.

A Regular Exercise Routine

Again, cliche. But the lady I met for my wellbeing meeting gave me a really good tip for getting the motivation to exercise. She basically told me to write it down in a calendar and physically make it something that I would put on a to-do list and therefore have to do, rather than something I should do if I get a spare half an hour.  Out of the 3 days I've been back, I've worked out twice which I think is pretty good going. It's small steps at the moment, so only 3-4 times a week, but hopefully I can build that up.

Write A Happiness Diary 

Whenever I've been depressed, I've written my feelings down in a notebook just to get them out of my head because I'm very good at bottling things up. I've been doing this since year 11, but I thought instead of writing loads of negative thoughts, why not try to turn it on it's head and write what's made me feel positive each day. Depression is just like a cloud that creates shade really, so just because I feel low, it doesn't mean that good things aren't there still. I need keep reminding myself of that.

They say that something won't become routine until you do it continuously for 21 days, so I'm going to try my hardest to keep this going for the next three to four weeks and then hopefully I notice a difference in myself!

Zoe London posted her 'Rules To Live By For A Positive, Happy Life' yesterday and something she said at the end really related:
"I have so much work to do myself and sharing it with you makes me feel so much better. I don’t feel alone. You’re never alone in this, self improvement, knowing self worth and inner happiness is something every single person on this planet can relate to. Talk more, be honest, be true. Open up. It’s not a shameful thing to talk, it’s not any detriment to you. It’s a sign of strength, wanting to change, to better yourself. "
I hope your new year goals are all going well, but if you've gone wrong already it doesn't matter! Just keep doing you!


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