
2 December 2016

5 problems when you're not part of the modern dating scene

When I first met Harry (just as friends lets add) Tinder hadn't even been born yet and MSN still existed. It was a huge thing if you just hugged, Justin Bieber was just embarking on his 'My World' Tour and we were all whipping our hair back and forth...

It's safe to say that I've never had a taste of the modern dating scene. I met Harry through mutual friends.. face to face.. without having to like 20 of his Instagram photos (I don't think he even has 20 photos) all at one or swipe right (or is it left?) just to get his attention. But now I'm at university surrounded by single people, and with him not here you notice it way more. So here's 5 problems I feel like I face all the damn time just because I've been in a relationship for 3 years.

1. The only swiping you know is up and down...
I would literally have no idea whether you have to swipe left or right. How is such a simple concept so confusing?!! Think I'll just stick to Instagram thanks...

2. What does "pulling" even mean? 
Can you pull the same person more than once? Can I pull my boyfriend or doesn't that count? These are questions I frequently ask when I'm faced with the 'pulling list' at uni. So. many. questions.

3. Nights out
Seriously boys, there is no joy in having a guy try to dance right up against your arse all night... I'm not a crab, I don't need a shell...

4. Sometimes you just want to netflix and literally chill
More like Netflix and no chill. I think Harry knows full well that if you stick me in front of PLL with a box of Morrison's mini chocolate rolls I'll be just as.. pleasured...

5. SO MANY expectations 
Apparently girls these days are contouring their legs. THEIR LEGS. WHY? Do guys really have this many expectations? I can't even contour my face properly let alone any other body part.


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